St Oscar Romero Parish
Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions

Mass stipends contribute to the upkeep of the parish, church buildings and the mission of the Church. They do not go to the priest.

‘Mass intentions’ are the intentions of Father at the Mass and he can have more than one. As such, rather than people having to wait for Father to hold their intention in his prayer at a specific Mass, especially when it is someone who has recently died or an anniversary of a loved one, multiple ‘Intentions’ will be assigned to individual Masses for Father to remember.

Normally, Mass Intentions are reserved in the Parish Office.  As far as possible, we will attempt to ensure that the requested Mass is offered on or around the requested date.

While we endevour to fulfil requests sometimes it is not possible due to funerals and multiple people requesting dates, on these occasions we will move it to the nearest date available. If the date is important to you ticking ‘Either church’ gives a better chance of a date close to (if not on) the date requested.

If you would like to be contacted, in the very rare case, when a Mass in the newsletter, needs to be changed or cancelled; then, if we have name and contact details we will endeavour to do this.

Complete the form below to submit your Mass intention and follow this link to make a donation.  If you have any questions about Mass intentions, please contact the Parish office on 0151 928 2338.